Answers to frequently asked questions
On the page you can get information on the game in Minecraft, learn how pravitno Privat teritory, get a list of commands on our servers and will be able to see interesting ways to build several automatic farms.
Private regions
- You need to create a wooden ax or get it with the command //wand
- Arm with an ax, and click the left mouse button the top right corner (1) then pressing the right mouse button, the lower left corner (2) area of the region (Cube).
- Open Chat (T)
- We enter in the chat command
/rg claim [region] [user] (or more owners, nicks through the gap)
That`s all, private area set up.
Only allowed to have no more than 4 private areas for the player to 300,000 cubic meters each.
Setting regions
- /rg list - List of all the regions
- /rg list . - a list of the regions
- /rg remove [region] - deletion of the region
- /rg addowner [region] [user] - adding that owns the region
- /rg removeowner [region] [user] - removal of the owner of the region
- /rg addmember [region] [user] - the addition of "resident" of the region
- /rg removemember [region] [user] - removal of the "resident" of the region
- /rg flag [region] pvp deny - prohibits pvp mode on the specified region
- /rg flag [region] pvp allow - PvP mode allows for this region
- /rg flag [region] lava-fire deny - off damage from the lava in the region
- /rg flag [region] lava-flow deny - disables the "spreading" of lava in the region
- /rg flag [region] creeper-explosion deny - blast off creeper
- /rg flag [region] potion-splash deny - off explosions potions
- /rg flag [region] tnt deny - disables the use of dynamite
- /rg flag [region] enderman-grief deny - disables the theft of blocks endermanami
- /rg flag [region] mob-spawning deny - disables spawn mobs (and hostile and neutral)
- /rg flag [region] fire-spread deny - off the fire from spreading in the region
Commands for teleportation
- /sethome - establishes the instant moving team /home
- /home - return to the point of instant moving set on the team /sethome
- /home [user] - moves on a visit to the player
- /spawn - brings you back to the starting point of the game world (respawn)
- /warp [warp] - moves the player to the point before you created on the server
- /ignore [user] - add a player to your ignore list
- /unignore [user] - remove a player from the ignore list
- /ignorelist - list of players to be ignored
- /time - provides the current time on the server
- /online - see who is online
- /msg [user] [message] - send a private message to the network
- /r [message] - answer to the last private message
Build a reed farm

We build a wheat farm

We build a watermelon farm

We build a mushroom farm